
Stitching pathway around a cutwork area:

Within my Hardanger Rosey Day design I utilized rectangular shaped kloster block areas. As you can see in the below photo there is figure-8 bar weaving and three types of fill-in stitches: dove eye, tri-dove eye and twisted X.

Bar weaving and fill-in stitches. Blue lines indicate bar weaving.

Bar weaving and fill-in stitches. Blue lines indicate bar weaving.

After completion of kloster blocks within the rectangular area: Below shows a suggested pathway to use to add bar weaving and fill-in stitches. When needed carry the stitching thread through nearby back sides of kloster blocks.

Pathway, step 1

Pathway, step 1

Pathway, step 2

Pathway, step 2

Pathway, step 3

Pathway, step 3

Pathway, step 4

Pathway, step 4